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Alphabet Construction Activity

Learn the alphabet while having fun with this letter construction activity. This small world activity is great hands on learning for toddlers and preschoolers. Also makes spelling practice fun for older children.

I have been exploring lots of fun ways to practice learning the alphabet with my four year old recently. It's important to note that all children learn at their own pace, if you are worried about your child's development it is important to talk to a health care provider. 

Making learning fun for children is absolutely key. Allowing them to touch and explore items through play makes learning much more exciting. A lot of the time children will just think they are playing and won't even realise they are learning too!

I'm always an advocate for easy set up activities and this is no different. Play doesn't have to look pretty, it just has to be appealing and engaging for your child. Set up time for this activity was no more than 5 minutes and even quicker if you already have alphabet resources. 

I set this activity up on our tuff spot tray as it is always a great base for any activity but it is not essential. I then wrote the alphabet in lower case letters on some wooden blocks using a whiteboard marker. I didn't want to use a permanent marker so we could keep the blocks an open ended resource. I did each letter 3 times to give the activity some scale but this is entirely your choice. So if you do not have wooden blocks then perhaps you could write letters on some stones/rocks, bottle lids or even toilet roll holders. Or you could use any alphabet resource you already have such as a wooden puzzle or magnetic letters. This activity is completely adaptable to what you already have in your home. I placed the blocks on the tuff spot tray and I added a wooden lower case puzzle around the edge. I completed the set up with some diggers and we were good to go. 

The great thing about this activity is that is completely open ended. Your child can choose to play however they like with it. Some ideas include:

Asking your child to find a certain letter/sound
Free play with the diggers and then you could ask them what letter/sound they have found
Building towers 
Finding the letters in their name
Matching the letters 
CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) word building game for older children 
Spelling practice for older children
Adding an upper case puzzle to match lower and uppercase letters

For younger children they can simply use it as a small world experience, there doesn't have to be any specific learning. Allowing children the chance to explore and play is more than enough for them and it builds exposure to the letters and sounds. 

Older children may find this a fun way to practice sight words or spellings. 

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